Frequently Asked Questions

What is the FUZION Body and Lifestyle Transformation Challenge and what do I get?
The FUZION Body and Lifestyle Transformation Challenge is a 10 week program complete with coaching from yours truly.

You'll get 10 WEEKS of coaching, guidance, tips, tricks and insider info from me.
You'll get two personally created and tested training programs to maintain your new leaner and lovely curves after you the complete the challenge.

You'll get 10 weekly Quick Check Summary sheets - so you know what to do at a glance.

You have the option to invest in the NUTRITION portion of the challenge TOO which will include the 3 phase USANA weight Loss Program that has been used by 1000’s of people to lose weight and transform their nutrition habits to the healthiest possible while learning to enjoy all the foods they love. I've seen many programs and this was simply the BEST. And, you'll get a BONUS recipe book, with 30 lean and clean recipes like Coriander (Cilantro) Chicken with Tomato Salsa, Pancakes and Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Frosting. You DON'T have to feel deprived when eating healthy!

And most importantly, you'll have the chance to make the biggest visible changes you've EVER made to your body!

How long does it go for?
It is a 10 week program.

When does it start?
October 15, 2013

Why did you offer this challenge?
I often receive emails from ladies and gents who are frustrated by lack of results. So I decided to create this challenge to help people kick start their Health & Wellness, I know how to get YOU lean in the quickest, healthiest way and in the FUZION Body and Lifestyle Transformation Challenge I want to give you my own insider secrets (including my 10 Success Commandments to live by, and all about the fat loss 'Miracle Sleep'!)

Who is it for?
Ladies and gents who are frustrated by lack of results, those who want to lose the last few kilos/pounds, those experiencing a fat loss plateau, those who want a challenge or program shake up, and those who want access to me personally as their coach to learn insider secrets, tips and methods to fat loss, fitness and sculpting.

How hard is it? I’m afraid I won’t be able to follow it
Now, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you the fat will melt off by just sitting in your arm chair. You WILL work hard, but that’s true for anything worth achieving in life. But if you're currently involved in an exercise program or done one before, I’m certain you’ll be able to manage this without a problem.

The beauty of it lies in the structure and synergy of the workouts and the Nutrition Plan – put them together and you have a proven recipe for fat loss success.

Will I starve on this program?
No way - you’ll find it offers plenty of food several times per day. I’m certainly not a fan of starvations diets! I felt great on this diet and was not deprived or fatigued at all. And yes, you’ll get to eat carbs too!

Will I have to cook separate meals for myself and my family?
You won’t have to cook separate meals for your family – your own meals will be lean and clean you can simply add extras/additions to the family plates if required. With the bonus of the Nutrition Coaching you’ll be sure to find some dishes the whole family will love. After 10 weeks you might find your family ALSO looking leaner and feeling healthier too! It's a win-win!

Can beginners do it?
Yes !! The classes are designed to allow for me to adapt each exercise to accommodate ALL fitness and experience levels. You are competing with yourself and learning to improve YOUR own physical abilities. You will learn that improving QUALITY of how you do an exercise will be far more beneficial than a great quantity of the same exercise done poorly.

What if I’m not fit enough to do it?
I’ll let you in on a secret – at the time of writing this I'm not so fit either(been dealing with injuries). And here’s a BIG positive that you may not know about – the more UNFIT you are, the QUICKER and EASIER you will get results! That’s because those who are already fit have a somewhat already ‘adapted’ body. So it’s harder for them to create change. But for someone who’s not so fit – well their body needs to step up in a hurry and make some big changes to adapt. That’s why a super fit person year round has to REALLY SHOCK their body if they need to drop body fat.

How is it different from the programs you see around the gym or in ads?
My FUZION Fitness Training System is a personalized small group program made specifically to your requirements based on a health/fitness questionnaire that you submit. It is personalized and therefore I can adapt the program around your circumstances – ie if you are a newbie to training or have injuries excercises can modified or substituted to ensure you are training the same muscle groups as everyone else BUT without risk of further injury or excess difficulty.

You will receive direct coaching from me in class and have access to a group forum and this perhaps is the most valuable part of all. I'll teach you how to monitor your diet and make individual tweaks when you need them. The program is designed by me and is based on my 20+ years of experience in Exercise & Nutrition. The Nutrition plan is a 'carb tapering' plan and without a doubt is the best plan I’ve ever created for a weight loss program and lifestyle makeover commitment. And I’m passing it on to you! You’ll be expected to work hard, and be committed - and you’ll be duly rewarded with excellent results.

Is the diet suitable for vegetarians?
At this stage the program is not designed for vegetarians. If there is enough interest for a vegetarian option I may design one for future intakes. Please let me know if you are a vegetarian and interested in a vegetarian version for future..

How often do I have to train?
You must be able to train with me a minimum of 3 x per week. This program is about getting serious results and for serious results you need to train seriously! Allow between 6 and a maximum of 8 exercise sessions per week including my HIIT cardio homework I will assign (from 20 minutest up to 60 minutes).

How does the coaching work?
The FAT LOSS Challenge forum is where you can access me directly. I’ll be there answering questions, providing feedback and giving out tips, tricks and advice. You simply log in (you’ll be sent log in details after you purchase – please allow 24 hours to receive these details) and read the posts or ask questions if you have any! There will be an opportunity for you to blog your journey inside the forum and that will help me provide detailed feedback and coach you through any sticking points.

Note: you can join the program and not utilize the forum and coaching if you want to but this is the only place you will be able to access me outside of class EXCEPT in special circumstances.

Do you have a payment plan?
We sure do! See the pricing options below.

What payment forms do you accept?
We accept credit card, Paypal, direct deposit, cheque or money order. Purchase via credit card or paypal by clicking the Yes, Russ I Want to Join the Challenge button, or contact us direct for direct deposit, cheque or money order details.
*We can only accept multi payments if you are paying by credit card.

I’m happy with my current workout. Can I keep doing that but still join the Body and Lifestyle Trans  formation Challenge for the diet and coaching?
You can, however it makes it more difficult for me to coach people doing all sorts of other things (and the reason the price is very reasonable is because I'm coaching everyone using the MY program). The diet and workout program I’ve devised for the FAT LOSS Challenge is designed to work synergistically – the weights program is essentially a body sculpting program and the diet and cardio complement that. It’s designed to provide the most energy while dropping the most fat, so you both look and FEEL good. You can join if your current program or the one you choose to do is 3-4 x week challenging weight training (no circuit or high rep stuff – reps no more than 12) and your cardio program does not include copious amounts of running or other endurance type exercise. I cannot however guarantee it will work as well as it will if you followed my complete program.

What can I expect from the FUZION Body and Lifestyle Transformation Challenge?
I created this program NOT JUST for purely aesthetic purposes in mind - simply put, if you want to look amazing, this program is designed to make that happen BUT you will also see an improvement in your OVERALL Health & Wellness TOO ! Importantly, it is put together in a way that is healthy and extremely doable. You’ll work hard over the 10 weeks but you’ll finish up not only with a body you’re proud of but also with a respect and pride in yourself that you’ve probably never experienced before.

You’ll get to know your body along the way and after the 10 weeks is up you’ll know how to tweak your own programs to keep the results coming. Yes, you can continue to stay enrolled in the FUZION Fitness classes until you reach your desired level of ‘awesomeness’! It could quite possibly change your life – like it did for many others.

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